The manufacturers of Polyester based, Sputtered window films give a useful life expectancy of 20-25 years with due care. Please follow the manufacturer recommendations below to get the best useful life out of your new window film or tint.
After Your New Film is Installed...
Please DO:
-Understand Film Dry-Out Time. During the installation process, we will use time-tested techniques to remove as much of the mounting solution as possible, although a small amount of moisture will inevitably remain under the film. Such trapped moisture can cause small bubbles and/or a slightly cloudy or “foggy” look. This is normal, and should be expected. As the film or tint cures, any trapped moisture, small bubbles, or fogging will eventually disappear.
-Understand how climate and weather conditions impact film dry-out time. Film type and the climactic conditions presented to the filmed windows will determine the dry-out time for your window film or tint installation. While warm weather and exposure to direct sunlight will shorten cure, or dry-out time, for your windows, cooler temperatures, shading, lack of sunlight, and thicker films can lengthen the amount of time it takes for your film to completely cure out. If slow drying occurs, do not be alarmed, as the trapped moisture will eventually dissipate. For the above mentioned reasons, cure time can vary from a few days to six months. Let us know if you still have unresolved moisture issues after six months.
-Use a non-ammonia cleaner and a clean cloth or paper towel to clean your new film. Traditional cleaners, such as soap and water, vinegar and water, or alcohol and water are perfectly acceptable cleaners, as are any household window cleaner that has “No Ammonia”, “Non-Ammoniated”, or “Ammonia Free” on the label. We use, and recommend, SPRAYWAY Glass cleaner available at Costco, or almost any hardware or grocery store for cleaning your installed film.
-Provide a copy of our cleaning instructions to any commercial window cleaners or window cleaning companies that clean your windows.
Please DO NOT:
-Clean your windows for at least 30 to 45 days in after installation in warm weather (Spring, Summer, and early Fall), and 60 to 90 days in cooler weather. This reduces the possibility of catching a corner of the film with your cleaning cloth or towel and peeling it up before proper curing has occurred.
-Use bristle brushes, abrasive scrubbing sponges, or abrasive cleaners (such as comet cleanser) to clean your window film or tints. While the window films that we stock and install feature a “Hard-Coat” scratch-resistant finish, keep in mind that anything that is abrasive or sharp enough to scratch glass will definitely scratch your new window film.
-Forget that using cleaning materials that have been used to clean the exterior of your windows will contain small amounts of sand, grit, or other abrasive particles that will assuredly scratch your film if subsequently used to clean the inside of your windows and your window film or tint.
-Worry about cleaning your window film after we leave. We thoroughly clean your installed films and tints before we leave your location.
Licensed, Bonded, and Insured
WA License #: THERMSS941Q7 and ID License #: RCE-39987
Lifetime Materials and Transferable Workmanship Warranties
Serving Spokane, Cd'A, and the Inland Northwest since 1994!
Window Films, LLC ®
(509) 466-3975
Residential & Commercial Window Tint
36 + Years of Installation Experience
Serving the Inland Northwest since 1994
Copyright 2013-2025. Therma Shield Solar Control® Window Films, LLC. All rights reserved.